Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog to document my personal take on British politics, life and general issues. This is a serious blog written by an amateur blogger, there is no ulterior motive or selling / linking agenda to it and as of yet no advertising. I have a great love of Oratory, History, Culture and Language and as an inter-connected issue, I enjoy thinking and reading about politics. Don't get me wrong, this blog is not entirely related to politics, many posts will be about anything and everything, interesting and breaking news issues, jokes, experiences, things that have happened to me, general discussion and suggestions for posts. I hope you dont find it too boring because when you get stuck in beneath the surface I think most people will like it. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it, many thanks for visiting - Mac Abbott.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Immigration The BNP and British Racial Opinion, A dichotomy

This post comes after the news of the BNP's (British National Party) ridiculous win in the European Elections. The BNP now have two Members of the European Parliament or MEP's lawfully elected by the British People. In the North-West, Mr. Nick Griffin the leader of the party himself and in Yorkshire and the Humber Mr. Andrew Brons. I call these people "Mr." with a pinch of salt as the phrase "Mr." implies humanity, which is something that neither of these men can attest to have as members of the BNP. This victory for the "To the far right of Ghenghis Khan" party, led me to thinking about immigration and race as an issue with British society in general, Here are my thoughts:

I acknowledge whole-heartedly that there are challenging issues of both immigration and race facing the UK now and in the times to come. As a proud and upstanding country within the International community many English people feel shall we say upset with the seemingly huge numbers of immigrants who have entered and are entering our society, and yes I think we need to see a change in Immigration policy. But I wonder if the stronger minded of these people have ever thought of it in this way:- We can't choose where on this Earth we are born, as embryo's inside our mothers womb we cant send a signal to our Mothers brain saying "Please let me be born in a rich and prosperous country, where Free Speech is a common and core value and I have opportunitys for good education and employment so that I may lead a good life". Most and many of the immigrants who come to UK do so for a better chance at life and that in some ways is to be applauded as people who want to make the effort for a better life. I would say that if the UK had the economy and society of Afghanistan or Nigeria or even an Eastern European country such as Romania, and those countrys had a succesful economy and good basic political stabilty, how many millions of Brits would emigrate to have a chance at a better life in those countrys, I would. (In fact I may! lol).

The reason that the UK is such a popular choice for immigrants both legal and illegal is not just a matter of Political stabilty or reasonable economy, it is in part due to our good standing in the world. As far as my memory serves me other than Esperanto, English is the most popular language in the world and is used in Business and society in most if not all countrys in the world. This saturation of British language and culture throughout the world is another reason that we have so many immigrants, as is the fact that Britain was formerly in control of a huge Empire which was one of the factors involved in saturating the world with the British language and values.

The vast majority of people who come to our country just want to work, and often the do jobs that while are done by English people are looked down upon in our society. We seem to have this sub-consious anathema within our society of "Keeping up with the Jones" and with tv shows like the apprentice we all have dreams of becoming big powerful managers or rich professionals and jobs such Rubbish Man, Manual Labourer etc... are taken up by English people but not with great gusto and even when we do take these jobs were always thinking of earning more money. The simple truth is that immigrants from poorer countrys are not as picky and wouldnt be looking for there next step up the career ladder as much as English people are. A sad fact and truth of this is that many employers prefer to give these types of jobs to immigrants because they tend to work harder, cause less problems and take much less time of sick than there British counterparts. Just try removing the Fillipino and Zimbabwean community from Britain and see the sudden massive shortfall in Nurses and Care Staff all over our country, I wonder what Mr. Nick Griffin will feel if he was to be taken ill and there where no nurses to care for him, I mean these industrys are already chronically short staffed and without the large make-up of immigrants in particular ladies see what would happen to them.

However whatever my views on immigration are ther are many things which deeply annoy me about immigrant communitys in our country and I suspect these things annoy many people, and could in turn be a predominant factor in breeding dislike or dare I say it unescessary Rascism amoung the Indigenous English People. The other day I was looking through the Job Classified Adverts in one of the free London newspapers on the Train and I came across a job advert for a Primary School Receptionist in London (Hackney I think although Im not sure), the advert read "Receptionist required for --- Primary School, good secreterial, computer and people skills required (so far ok, and then) applicant must speak Punjabi as a second or first language". Due to I would imagine a large or predominant Punjab number of children within the school. This is ridiculous and made me feel angry, there is no issue with people emigrating to the UK but these people should integrate into our society. Now I'm not saying that these people should not be allowed to practise there religion our culture within there own familys and communitys, but I am saying that if you come to the UK you must learn to speak English and adhere, respect and live your life while your here by the values and manner of the English People, just as I would do if emigrating to a Foreign Counrty. Of course the vast majority of immigrants do succesfully and fairly integrate into our society but some sadly do not. What right does a publicly funded primary school have to advertise for a receptionist who quote "Must speak Punjabi" In a British school! I know it must be difficult for Punjab and other foreign children to learn English but this should be the responsibility of there parents to teach them English (the parents should speak it anyway as people living here) and community language classes specifically for individual communitys with a view to teaching English, if we allow other languages to be common place within our schools we can only blame ourselves for thevery small number of immigrants who cannot fully integrate into our society.

Now I know that above stanza may sound very contradictory coming from me as I have previously in this post stated different views, but the difference is that this above incident makes me frustrated and think that policy needs to change it does not, turn me towards, prejudice, rascism, hate and fascist idiot idealogy.

I speak 7 languages at various levels ranging from competent fluency in French, German, Tagalog (Fillipino) and of course English and my great passion in life, is Oratory, History, Literature, Languages and Foreign Culture and as a side effect of my interests I have met many many foreign peoples from Fillipinos to Polish and African. The vast majority of these people are hard working respectful and kind peoples, not the invaders as painted by the BNP. I once lived in a shared house where all the other occupants where Fillipino and as an 18 year old boy they took me completly under there wing, They invited me to share every meal, go to every party and be a part of them as a family within the house, i.e. the older ladies would treat me like a son, the men would drink with me etc... There are a great many things that we as English people can learn from Foreign Cultures not just Fillipino and if properly integrated into our society they can contribute a great deal to us as a people

The contributing factors leading to people voting for the BNP enough to elect to MEP's are disenchantment with mainstream politics, ignorance and a low voter turn out. Whatever our dis-enchantments with society may be the BNP and similar partys are not the answer. Were talking about a hatefilled rascist party chaired by Nick Griffin a "Man" who called the "Holocaust" the "Holohoax", refer to immigrants as invaders and have many convictions for race issues amongst there membership. These people are one short step away from being Nazi's and maybe they have forgotten just how many Gurka and other peoples of the world fought for our country and the world in the First and Second world wars, a stand for freedom, people who gave there lives so that we may have our freedom.

On another note the people who protested our parading returing troops in Luton earlier this year are ANIMALS. Calling them Baby Killers, Rapists, Murderers, Pigs. If you disagree with the policy of a government get involved as former US president John .F. Kennedy once eloquently and masterfully said "----omitted ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. Continued----" get involved in Politics if you dont like policy. How dare people protest our troops like that, these are the very troops which put their lives at risk to defend the very freedom that these protesters enjoy as British people, imprison these protestors and then if possible deport them to where there freedom may not be guaranteed by such committed and brave armed forces. And I know the argument over free speech, however free speech should not extend to inciting racial hatrid and that goes for the Fascist idiots who run and are members of the BNP aswell, would anybody consider the oratory of Hitler to be acceptable under the auspices of Free Speech, I think not. A contradiction maybe but it damn well is the right limit.

These are just my thoughts and feelings people and I personally have no hatrid for any immigrants, I dont even have hatrid for the BNP for them I have only pity

As ever Immigration and Race remains a divisive and complicated issue for many world governments and societys to contend with, but lets feel proud for just a moment of our country and its place in the World, I know I do.

Links: http://www.famousquotes.me.uk/speeches/John_F_Kennedy/5.htm

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"Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. The term is generally applied to behaviour within civil governments..(cont).." - Wikipedia.Org


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"Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, truth, beauty, law, justice, validity, mind, and language..(cont).." - Wikipedia.Org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy

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